Can You Keep Your Commercial Vehicles Safe from an Accident?


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It’s a normal day at work until a car turns into your lane without looking and crashes into your commercial vehicle. When you both stop to trade insurance information, they are holding their neck and telling everyone around that you hit them. You’ve been set up in an accident. How do you keep vehicles safe from an accident?

When the police arrive, the other driver starts making up a story about how you “hit them out of nowhere.” Then, they insult your skills and say you might have been sleeping while driving.

When the police officer comes up to you, you tell him that you have a telematics system that includes a dashcam that recorded what happened and that you are not to blame.

This is how you keep your commercial vehicles safe from being used in a fake accident.

Criminals look for drivers they think are well-insured or easy to take advantage of. They then make complicated plans to make it look like you caused an accident. The scene can be so convincing that everyone sides with them, and your insurance has to pay for their “injuries” and damage to their car.

Keep an eye out for scams like a fake accidents.

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What Is Insurance Fraud?

Anyone can be hurt by insurance fraud, but businesses have more to lose. SEAWORLD Technology Co., Ltd. says that commercial vehicles are easy targets because they are more likely to have good insurance. When thieves know that your driver is well-insured, they have everything they need to file a false insurance claim or sue your business.

Some companies have even removed all of their vehicles’ logos to protect their drivers. But in some places, it’s the law that commercial vehicles have to show the company name and business license number.

Who are the Frauds?

You might be surprised to find out who actually stages an accident. They are not done by poor con artists, but by businesswomen and men with white-collar jobs.

The FBI says that a group of lawyers, doctors, insurance brokers, agents, or executives often work together to commit fraud, like setting up a fake accident. These criminals have close ties to insurance claims, which they can use to make money. Some owners of repair shops will also take part in this kind of scheme.

This is also why the FBI says you should be careful if a stranger comes up to you at the accident scene and recommends a certain lawyer or doctor or tells you to go see that doctor or lawyer. These are signs that the accident you are in is a set-up.

How do telematics systems protect against an accident?

During the claims process, there are a lot of things that could be misunderstood or could be used for fraud. But the data from GPS tracking and telematics software will give police and your insurance company a clear picture of what’s happening.

So, what information can telematics systems give as proof that an accident was set up?

  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • Brake Data
  • Cornering
  • Location of Vehicle
  • Where GPS Is
  • Seatbelt On/Off
  • Engine Status
  • RPM
  • Date
  • Time

Telematics data is very valuable because it is based on science. And companies can use fleet tracking technology and software in accident reconstruction to learn more about what happened before, during, and after an accident.

Telematics systems let businesses know what happened in an accident by keeping track of data about the vehicle and the driver in real time. The information you record becomes an important tool for protecting your drivers and your business.

Accidents can be avoided by doing safe things.

Even though sometimes we can’t avoid an accident, defensive driving and safe practices can make it less likely that we’ll be in one that was set up. Most accidents can be avoided by being a good driver, even if criminals are plotting against you.

The key is to catch and fix your driver’s bad habits before they cause an accident.

Some examples of telematics data that may be recorded and sent to your fleet management team are:

  • Tailgating
  • Cell Phone Use
  • Hard Braking
  • Taking sharp turns
  • Quick Speeding Up
  • Speeding

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