Angular and React: Which is Superior?


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Angular and React are both popular frameworks used to build web applications. The two frameworks are very similar, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, but one has been consistently rated as the best framework among the two – and it’s not Angular. This article outlines five reasons why React is the superior choice over Angular.

1. Scalability

You will be impressed with React’s performance and speed, but most importantly, you’ll be amazed at how seamlessly it scales. This is perhaps one of its greatest advantages. It can handle just about any number of elements or libraries you throw at it without breaking a sweat. It also happens to work well with a large range of devices and screen sizes, which means that your app will look good on mobile phones as well as tablets and computers—even TV screens! This makes it perfect for developers who are planning on developing an app for use by millions of people around the world.

Facebook uses React for all their projects, so this definitely counts for something! Developers also rave about community support. There are numerous online tutorials, videos, and other materials available if you get stuck while coding. Facebook has even launched React Native – a framework that lets developers create iOS and Android apps using JavaScript rather than Java or Objective-C (it still supports Swift). 

You don’t have to worry about front-end frameworks when using this powerful library either because there’s no need to install anything additional once it’s installed in your development environment (we’ll show you how below). In other words, we’ll let React do all the heavy lifting while giving you complete control over what goes into your app.

2. Ease of maintenance

Angular’s view templates and controllers must be manually synchronized at all times. In fact, to make sure your DOM matches your model perfectly you have to write a lot of imperative code that updates variables and watches for changes. In contrast, with React you don’t have to worry about keeping your view in sync with your model because everything happens as a result of setState. No dirty checking means less code to maintain.

When an application grows in complexity it becomes difficult to ensure that its views always match its data model. With declarative views and unidirectional data flow (React), there are clear delineations between components which makes it easier to reason about what should show up on the screen at any given time. It also provides more flexibility when refactoring or introducing new features.

The key thing to keep in mind when comparing Angular and React is that they solve different problems. They both have their strengths and weaknesses but if one chooses the wrong framework for their use case then it can cause unnecessary headaches down the line.

3. Code reusability

It seems that everyone has a different reason for why they prefer Angular and React. Some say it’s because of better code reusability while others say it’s because you have more freedom to express your creativity with different components. Regardless of what developers think about these two frameworks, both are widely used in many different projects.

If you don’t want to miss out on any new features, then you can consider using react-on-rails. This will allow you to use React together with Rails since there is currently no way of including jquery and angular into rails. In this blog post, we listed 5 reasons why React is the best framework to use when compared to Angular. We recommend starting by reading through our five reasons and seeing if this framework would be right for you.

4. Low learning curve

Angular 2, unlike React, has a pretty high learning curve. If you’re already familiar with JavaScript, then getting started in creating components in TypeScript will be a breeze; but if you don’t have any experience with that technology, then it may take some time to get used to. This can delay development while you adjust your workflow and familiarize yourself with their syntax—and create an extra barrier of entry for others who are unfamiliar with TypeScript.

On the other hand, due to its simplicity and versatility, people new to coding can use simpler tools like Create-React-App and start building web apps right away.

Once they become more comfortable with programming, they can switch to regular React from there. The framework also integrates well with ES6 which allows for seamless integration with the rest of the JavaScript libraries and frameworks.

For example, Redux was built to work seamlessly with React by using two-way data binding as opposed to one-way data binding in Angular. In addition, because of how easy it is to integrate with other frameworks and libraries, developers have been able to make React Native possible – this means you can build both iOS and Android apps using just one language: JavaScript!

5. Community support

Both are very popular libraries, and both have active communities working to improve their respective offerings. That said, React’s community feels like it’s one step ahead in terms of building out a vibrant ecosystem that supports front-end developers as they build and iterate on their applications.

For example, if you’re looking for a way to animate data within your application, there are countless options available via a Google search — many built by other members of the React community itself.

Angular can keep up with these trends, but so far it’s playing catch-up compared to its counterpart library. It may eventually get to parity with its competitor (perhaps even overtake it), but right now there are clear advantages that we see in favour of Facebook’s technology stack.

The only point that might go against React here is third-party integrations — again, something which Angular seems better at doing at this time. But, really, when choosing between Angular and React all you need to do is weigh your priorities: Do you care more about having access to an extensive suite of prebuilt components? If so, then perhaps going with Angular would be a better option.

Conversely, if features such as flexibility and developer productivity are what matter most to you then React would be the more logical choice.

Dhaivat Joshi is an online marketing agency specializing in generating website traffic from search engines and paid ads (SEO / SEM). Over 80% of our clients are from the rapidly growing e-commerce industry.

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